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No, I’d love to go to the park

These actually make a lot of sense. If it’s hot and you’re being ‘strongly encouraged’ to go to the park – and not stay in eating Quavers, switching between old episodes of Larry Sanders and Hardcore Free-For-All on Black Ops 3 – a bro has to have somewhere to stow his accoutrements. You’re gonna need fags, lighter, wallet, keys, phone, chewing gum, 1940’s pornographic flick-book… and if you’re all T-shirted up, where will it go? In these shorts is where. SIX grandstanding zip-up pockets. Dude could put his entire life in these. And just leave. And never come back. And go to a dark room somewhere. And just watch old episodes of Larry Sanders and play Hardcore Free-For-All on Black Ops 3 forever.


These are by Alkphenix a Japanese brand I’ve never heard of before – you can check out their vibing here. They’ve got a nice line in active casual wear; some killer details, shame you can’t buy the brand in the UK.


Head over to Japanmonger Ray Coal for these shorts – usual proxy service rules apply. They’ll run you around £188.71 according to the magic of XE. Seems a reasonable price to have all your shit with you down the park. Which is of course, exactly where you want to be. Honest it is.

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