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Kaptain Kiln? The Amazing Glaze?

If I’m honest, I think I’d look like a professional nonsense in this. But the thing is, menswear appreciation doesn’t revolve around the contents of an individual’s wardrobe. It should umbrella myriad concepts and proposals. A true recognition of men’s clothing must be unbiased and disciplined. Even when faced with a 146 quid, chasm-necked, potters shirt.

I know that fired pottery that isn’t yet glazed is called Biscuit. I know that because I went to the Wedgwood museum once with school. Other than that (and Swayze’s phantasmic kneading in Ghost) I know nothing about pottery. But I think you’d kind of have to, to get away with this.


Even wearing it off duty, down the pub, people would assume you’re a potter, just one wearing your bestest, ‘going-out’ smock.

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According to retailer Haven, this N.HOOLYWOOD piece has, “raglan cut sleeves“, which are, “utilised to aid in optimal mobility.” Which is a fancy way of saying, you can move about in it. A function as useful for potters, as much as it is for any human person. Come to think of it, as it’s such a posh utilitarian garment, maybe it’d be ideal for a guy who by day is a regular potter, but by night is a crockery themed superhero. Earthenware Man perhaps? Kaptain Kiln? The Amazing Glaze? Dr Porcelain?

1 Comment so far

  1. james

    I actually do like it, but couldn’t pull it off (in the figurative sense, it’d obviously dead easy to pull off with those wings). Our legacy have been skirting a little more conservatively around this kind of thing so maybe you could build up to it in planned stages? On that kind of trajectory you’d soon transcend fashion and be popping to the shops wearing fabric with a hole in it- then who’d be laughing?

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