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Time to get a wide on?

These are the most important trousers in the world right now. Not because wide trousers haven’t been done. Not because Oliver Spencer is the best designer of wide trousers. I just think ‘wides’ are back. I’ve seen it in the field.

Oliver Spencer: Runway - London Collections: Men AW14

Three weeks ago I was in the Lamb’s Conduit Street branch of Folk. One of the sales guys in there (who very kindly helped me buy a great sale suit) was busting a pair of trousers exactly like these Oliver Spencer’s – army green, wide as hell and aggressively rolled up.

A week later and I was in Present. A guy strolled in sporting a capacious off-white pair, again, screwed up over his ankles. He was chatting with the staff, “you’re going with the baker’s trousers then?” I overheard one say.

In my view, both these bros looked the bomb.

If I want the ones in the picture, which I sort of do, I’m gonna have to get my wait on, they’re A/W 14. But I’m feeling the wider trouser right now. Action must be taken.

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