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Treading cold chips into the rug

Slippers? They’re still a thing right? I guess people wear them: I don’t know anyone that does, but someone’s got to otherwise they wouldn’t exist. They definitely exist because there’s some right here on this page. These are by Maple. And aside for the fact that I don’t own any slippers, never wear slippers and never think about slippers, I’m pretty down with these.


They’re handmade and fully leather. The ‘rough-out suede’ uppers look totally boss-business to me and as froufrou as this might sound, I’m a sucker for a, ” leather tassel with glass bead adornment.”

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When I think slippers, I think Rising Damp. I think of miserable OAPs, shuffling about their flats, treading cold chips into the rug and slumping down with a tea and a Rothmans in front of Homes Under The Hammer. These bad boys are not about that life. I’d wear these poolside (with that Visvim Kimono Jacket I wrote about yesterday) while weaving between an assortment of international raconteurs and runway models, before topping up Judi Dench’s Blossom Hill while telling a story that makes Stephen Fry piss himself.

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